
Reading Suggestions from the staff of the Princeton Public Library

Video of the Opening Celebration on November 4, 2023

Video created with support from:
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
Jason Caridi Creative
Ananta Creative Group

Online Resources

Art & Well Being: Toward a Culture of Health

This online booklet by the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture illuminates a grassroots network of those who foster creativity to shape a culture of empathy, equity, and belonging.

Arts Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Examining the Evidence

This 2020 report from the National Endowment for the Arts brings together current research on the application of arts therapy towards substance abuse, addiction, recovery, and pain management.

Congressional Arts Handbook

The Handbook is an annual compilation of resources including facts, figures, recent legislation, and information on policy issues related to American Arts and Health.

US Department of Arts and Culture

The US Department of Arts and Culture is a grassroots-action network and their website contains many links to informative guides, articles, and national actions.

The Healing Power of Art & Artists

An initiative of Manhattan Arts International, this organization is a global community of artists, advocates, and writers dedicated to raising awareness about how art serves as a positive catalyst for enhancing the well-being of individuals, society and the environment. 

NOAH – National Organization for Arts in Health

This organization sees arts in health as an integral component to health and wellbeing. Its mission is to unite, advance, and serve the field of arts in health. 

Arts on Prescription: An Emerging Model of Mental Healthcare

Social prescribing allows healthcare providers to refer patients not only to conventional treatments, but also to a breadth of local resources that can support health and wellbeing, including the arts.

Arts + Health and Well-being Fact Sheet

Americans for the Arts developed this Fact Sheet as part of the Arts + Social Impact Explorer.

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